Written by Greg Elwell
If we could use only one word that describes Bob Barnard, it would be passionate.
A man who lives his life according to the needs and wants of others is merely following. A man who follows his passions, even when it takes him off the beaten path, is a leader. And Barnard leads everywhere he goes.
Building a company. Racing exotic cars. Playing the piano. Volunteering in the community. Collecting fine art.
And, at Steven Giles Clothing, Barnard put together a wardrobe that is fashionable, attractive and, most important, utterly and completely Bob.
“I look for clothing that is classic. Timeless,” he said. “Clothes that feel comfortable and clothes that one feels comfortable in.”
Developing his style took time, but when he walks into the welcoming confines of the store now, the pieces that belong in his collection stand out plainly. That kind of thing tends to happen when you know yourself as well as Barnard does.
His love of exquisite clothing echoes through his other passions.
“What I love about clothes are the same things I love about exotic cars: the customization and the one-of-a-kind feel of real quality,” he said.
When man evolves beyond basic survival, he is free to become his true self. For Barnard that is finding meaning in everything, big or small. Whether it’s a piece of art that speaks to his soul, pushing an automobile to its absolute limits or taking time to help those less fortunate, he does it because it’s what he wants and needs to do.
So when he chooses what to wear, it is the ultimate marriage of form and function. When you live for passion, you dress for life.
Images courtesy of Simon Hurst Photography